C/C++ Tutorial, Goal-Oriented Style (2a) Tic Tac Toe - Determine the Best Move Using Recursive Function

在 C/C++ Tutorial, Goal-Oriented Style (2) 中,有一個問題是如何用遞迴 (Recursive) 算出井字遊戲下一步。如果對遞迴邏輯覺得有困難,請參考下面的 C Style 的解答 (no object-oriented at all!)。

  1. 最重要的是 get_score() 這個 function,它是遞迴的主體,pseudo-code 可以見第二章的說明。
  2. 在 function parameter 前加上 const,表示該變數不會被 function 改變,是給 compiler 做安全檢查用的。
  3. 在 function parameter 加上 & 是 pass-by-reference,參考第二章
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

const int EMPTY    = 0;
const int COMPUTER = 1;
const int PLAYER   = 2;

//  vector board
//   1   2   3 
//   4   5   6
//   7   8   9

// layer is from 1 to 9
int g_weight[10] = { 0, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1 };

// draw board
void draw( const std::vector<int>& board );

// return COMPUTER / PLAYER / EMPTY (if no one wins)
int check_winner( const std::vector<int>& board );

// return true if all slots are filled, else false
bool is_all_filled( const std::vector<int>& board );

// recommand a next move based on current board
int get_move( const std::vector<int>& board );

// get a 'score' based on the board and the next move
// 'who' is PLAYER or COMPUTER
// 'where' is from 1 ~ 9
int get_score( const std::vector<int>& board, int who, int where );

int main()
    char y_or_n;
    int  move;
    // init a vector with 10 slots (index 0 ~ 9) filled with EMPTY (0)
    std::vector<int> board( 10, EMPTY ); 
    std::cout << "Do you want to go first? (y/N)" << std::endl; 
    std::cin >> y_or_n;
    // check if user want to move first, if so, get his/her move
    if ( y_or_n == 'Y' || y_or_n == 'y' )
        draw( board );
        std::cout << "Gimme your move (1~9): " << std::endl; 
        std::cin >> move;
        if ( move <= 0 || move >= 10 )
            std::cout << "Bad move, I don't wanna handle such error." << std::endl;
            return -1;
        board[move] = PLAYER;
    draw( board );
    while ( true )
        bool first_trial;
        int best_move, best_score;
        // get the computer's best move based on score
        first_trial = true;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++ )
            if ( board[i] != EMPTY )
            int score;
            std::vector next_board( board );
            next_board[i] = COMPUTER;
            score = get_score( next_board, COMPUTER, i );

            if ( first_trial )
                best_score = score; 
                best_move = i;
                first_trial = false;
            else if ( score > best_score )
                best_score = score; 
                best_move = i;
        // do the best move and get user's move
        board[best_move] = COMPUTER;
        draw( board );
        if ( check_winner( board ) == COMPUTER )
            std::cout << "COMPUTER WINS!" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        // check if draw
        if ( is_all_filled( board ))
            std::cout << "DRAW!" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        // get user's move
        std::cout << "Gimme your move (1~9): " << std::endl; std::cin >> move;
        if ( move <= 0 || move >= 10 )
            std::cout << "Bad move, I don't wanna handle such error." << std::endl;
            return -1;
        board[move] = PLAYER;
        draw( board );
        if ( check_winner( board ) == PLAYER )
            std::cout << "PLAYER WINS!" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        else if ( is_all_filled ( board ) )
            draw( board );     
            std::cout << "DRAW!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

int get_score( const std::vector<int>& pre_board, int who, int where )
    bool no_more_slot = true;
    int  next_who;
    int  score = 0;
    int  layer = 0;
    std::vector<int> board( pre_board );
    board[where] = who;
    // check current 'layer', i.e. how many slots are filled
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++ )
        if ( board[i] != EMPTY )
            layer ++;
    // check if there is already an winner
    if ( check_winner( board ) == COMPUTER )
        return 1 * g_weight[layer];
    else if ( check_winner( board ) == PLAYER )
        return -1 * g_weight[layer];
    // check if no more move
    for ( int i = 0; i <= 9; i ++ )
        if ( board[i] != EMPTY )
            no_more_slot = false;
    // draw!
    if ( no_more_slot )
        return 0;
    // check who move next
    if ( who == PLAYER )
        next_who = COMPUTER;
        next_who = PLAYER;
    // generate all possible board for the next step, then 
    // sum up the score all of the possible board
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++ )
        if ( board[i] != EMPTY )

        std::vector<int> next_board( board );

        next_board[i] = next_who;
        score = score + get_score( next_board, next_who, i );
    return score;

// return true if all slots are filled, else false
bool is_all_filled( const std::vector<int>& board )
    for ( int i = 0; i <= 9; i ++ )
        if ( board[i] != EMPTY )
            return false;
    return true;

int check_winner( const std::vector<int>& board )
    // check play a
    if ( board[1] == COMPUTER && board[2] == COMPUTER && board[3] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[4] == COMPUTER && board[5] == COMPUTER && board[6] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[7] == COMPUTER && board[8] == COMPUTER && board[9] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[1] == COMPUTER && board[4] == COMPUTER && board[7] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[2] == COMPUTER && board[5] == COMPUTER && board[8] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[3] == COMPUTER && board[6] == COMPUTER && board[9] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[1] == COMPUTER && board[5] == COMPUTER && board[9] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    if ( board[3] == COMPUTER && board[5] == COMPUTER && board[7] == COMPUTER ) {
        return COMPUTER;
    // check play b
    if ( board[1] == PLAYER && board[2] == PLAYER && board[3] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[4] == PLAYER && board[5] == PLAYER && board[6] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[7] == PLAYER && board[8] == PLAYER && board[9] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[1] == PLAYER && board[4] == PLAYER && board[7] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[2] == PLAYER && board[5] == PLAYER && board[8] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[3] == PLAYER && board[6] == PLAYER && board[9] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[1] == PLAYER && board[5] == PLAYER && board[9] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    if ( board[3] == PLAYER && board[5] == PLAYER && board[7] == PLAYER ) {
        return PLAYER;
    return EMPTY;

// draw board
void draw( const std::vector<int>& board )
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "COMPUTER(1) vs PLAYER(2)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << board[1] << " " << board[2] << " " << board[3] << std::endl;
    std::cout << board[4] << " " << board[5] << " " << board[6] << std::endl;
    std::cout << board[7] << " " << board[8] << " " << board[9] << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;